Induction Timetable 2024

We pride ourselves on our Year 6 induction programme which always ensures a positive start to school life at The Angmering School for all students. Below you will find information about the main activities which are part of the Transition Program:

May - June Transition interviews. These are ongoing and many of you have taken the opportunity to meet senior leaders with after school calls. If you still wish to do this contact and we will try and accommodate this.
May Years 7 - 9 Guide is emailed to all parents.
Wednesday 8th May & Thursday 6th June Evening sports activities take place giving students an opportunity to meet each other and school staff.
3rd July 

All students visit the Angmering School for an Induction Day.

  • Parents arrange for children to arrive at the Angmering School for 8.30am.
  • Children will need to be collected at 3pm.
  • Students will eat their lunch in school and they can either buy food in our canteen (which operates as a self-service cafeteria selling a wide range of food) or bring a packed lunch to eat there. If your son or daughter wishes to eat from our canteen then they should bring approximately £3 on the day to pay for this.
  • 6pm on 3rd July: New Parents’ Evening to be held in the Hall (this is an evening for parents and carers only)

Following a short introductory welcome from Ms Pegden, Head of Year 7, and Mr Liley, Headteacher, you will have the opportunity to spend time with your child’s Group Tutor, meet members of the Headship Team and talk with the uniform suppliers.  Staff will be on hand to explain our teaching strategies and objectives, and to address any concerns you may have about your child. 

Tuesday 3rd September
  • First day of term - Year 7 only

  • The normal buses from Findon and Ferring will be running from the first day of term.

  • At 8.30am students arrive and assemble in the Hall.

  • Students will spend part of the day working in their Tutor Groups and will attend two normal timetabled lessons, followed by an assembly in the afternoon.