Perspectives and Insight

The Perspectives course is designed to develop KS3 students’ thinking and points of view on the world's big issues. It blends the National Curriculum themes of Religious Studies, Citizenship, PSHE, Careers and Enterprise education with a topical theme or question to bring it all together to create interesting project work.

Insight is a course for KS4 students,  incorporating several topics that are mandatory or statutory within the National Curriculum, that have been designed to help you develop the skills you will need to have a happy, healthy and successful life once you leave school.

What are the key features of the programmes of study?

The course is designed to develop students’ thinking and points of view on the world's big
issues. It blends the National Curriculum themes of Religious Studies, Citizenship, Health,
Careers and Enterprise education.

Perspectives is designed to open minds, explore ideas and develop transferable skills.
The key purpose throughout the course is for students to be able to reflect on their own
existence and contribution to society, as well as on a global scale in order to help them
become compassionate, interesting, informed and opinionated citizens of our world.

What will my child study in Year 7?

There are three fundamental strands to the Perspectives course: namely the exploration of
the perspectives, cultures, religions and governments from around the world; the application
of skills; and personal development around careers, health and enterprise. For example, whilst
planning a charitable event, students will be expected to explore the impact of poverty in the
UK and around the world and to think about their own personal qualities that could impact

What will my child study in Year 8?

As we continue to build skills for learning we develop connections with other subjects. For
example we explore speaking and listening skills in preparation for the “Live Debate: Should
eating meat be outlawed?” Students will have the opportunity to research the moral, ethical,
religious and political perspectives of various topics, culminating in the final debate. The skills
focus supports work explored in History, Geography and English. They will also develop their
presentation and research skills throughout the year.

What will my child study in Year 9?

Students will have the opportunity to explore their subject choices for Year 10 in a range of
activities to support careers education. Students will develop a Personal Statement, refine
their interview techniques and explore the career paths available to them. Additional projects
will further develop their understanding of wider social issues including relationships, the law
and political systems.
What homework and enrichment opportunities will my child have?
Homework is set once every three weeks and may include a focus on student organisation
and preparation for class work. On some occasions, students will set their own home learning
objectives. Students will access the details for the homework via “Classcharts”.
How is my child assessed?
The students are assessed half-termly. We will use a range of strategies for assessing student
progress. In addition, we encourage students to use peer and self-assessment as a regular
part of lessons to assess their own progress and identify their own targets

What is in the Insight course?

Insight is a course incorporating several topics that are mandatory or statutory within the National Curriculum, that have been designed to help you develop the skills you will need to have a happy, healthy and successful life once you leave school. 

Modules will be taught by subject specialists and students will move on to the next teacher and new module after eight lessons. Students will receive one lesson per week.

Topics studied in Insight:

Year 10:

• Relationships, Sex and Health Education.

• Diversity and Religious Studies

• Careers.

• Money.

• First Aid.

Year 11:

• Relationships, Sex and Health Education.

• Ethics and Religious Studies

• Careers.

• Crime, Rights and Justice.

• Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Perspectives (KS3)

Homework & Enrichment Opportunities

Homework is set once every three weeks and may include a focus on student organisation and preparation for class work. On some occasions, students will set their own home learning objectives. Students will access the details for the homework via Classcharts or Google Classroom.

Students will also have the opportunity to meet and engage with visitors and professionals from many different backgrounds, including the Police, STEM ambassadors and Alumni.

How is my child assessed?

The students are assessed half-termly. We will use a range of strategies for assessing student progress including tests on Google Forms, presentations and written tests with long and short answer questions. In addition, we encourage students to use peer and self-assessment as a regular part of lessons to track their own progress and identify their own targets.

Insight (KS4) 

Homework & Enrichment Opportunities 

Homework is only set for the Careers module, where students will be expected to amend and improve their personal statements and CVs, based on the feedback provided by the teacher.

Students will also engage with professionals and practitioners from a variety of disciplines including Acorn Pregnancy, the Police, Christians Against Poverty, local business owners and the School Nurse to better their understanding of the wider world.

How will you learn?

• Discussions.

• Pair or teamwork.

• Research.

• Visitors from outside agencies.

• Practical work.

Students Say

‘I really enjoy learning about subject matter in the real world and making myself ask difficult questions.’

‘The careers work has really focused my thinking and helped me to be much clearer on the next steps in my
education and what I might eventually do as a job.’