Computing & ICT

What are the key features of the programme of study?
Representation of data - including how different types of data are stored and the use of binary
Maths for Computing - including number bases, Boolean logic and graph theory
Algorithms and programming - including sorting, searching, Scratch, BASIC and Python
Networking - including transmission and error-correction
Information Systems - including spreadsheets, databases, and the use of HTML and CSS to create web-pages
E- Safety

​What will my child study in year 7?
Students will study: How to use computers (1), Computational Thinking (1), How computers work (1), Interactive media (1), Web development using HTML, Programming Techniques (1) Using Python.

What will my child study in year 8?
Students will study: How to use computers(2), Computational Thinking(2) Using Scratch, How computers work (2), Interactive media(2) Using Sketchup, Programming Techniques(2) Using Python, Creative Project Using Micro Bits

What will my child study in year 9?
Students will study: How to use computers (3), Computational Thinking (3) Using Snap/Turtle, How computers work (3), Interactive media (3) Using Sketchup, Web development using CSS and javascript, Creative Project Using Appshed

How will my child be assessed?
Students will be assessed each half term and will complete a Directed Improvement and Reflection Task after each test. There will be an end of year assessment.

This will encourage learners to:

·         Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Computer Science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms and data representation.

·         Analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such problems, including designing, writing and debugging programs.

·         Think creatively, analytically, logically and critically.

·         Understand the components that make up digital systems, and how they communicate with one another and other systems.

·         Understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society.

·         Apply mathematical skills relevant to computer science.

How is the course assessed?

There will be two 9- minute exams worth 80 marks each.

·         Computational thinking, algorithms and programming.

·         Computer systems

What will the course allow me to progress to in the future?

This can lead to A Level computer Science or a number of level 3 IT courses or apprenticeships.

The Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Digital Information Technology , is for learners who want to acquire technical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by studying the knowledge, understanding and skills related to data management, data interpretation, data presentation and data protection. 

What does the qualification cover?

The Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on four areas of equal importance, which cover the: 

• development of key skills that prove your aptitude in digital information technology, such as project planning, designing and creating user interfaces, creating dashboards to present and interpret data 

• process that underpins effective ways of working in digital information technology, such as project planning, the iterative design process, cyber security, virtual teams, legal and ethical codes of conduct 

• attitudes that are considered most important in digital information technology, including personal management and communication

• knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, process and attitudes in the sector such as how different user interfaces meet user needs, how organisations collect and use data to make decisions, virtual workplaces, cyber security and legal and ethical issues.

How is the qualification assessed?

There are three components, two of which are internally assessed and each with 30% of the total marks and an external assessment worth 40%.

What can the qualification lead to?

Study of the qualification as part of Key Stage 4 learning will help learners to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector. The choices that learners can make post-16 will depend on their overall level of attainment and their performance in the qualification. 

Learners who generally achieve at Level 2 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to: 

• A Levels as preparation for entry to higher education in a range of subjects 

• study of a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC National in IT, which prepares learners to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in the digital sector.

Students Say 

"I like how it’s not all programming and we learn more about how computers actually work, for example learning about
what to look for when buying the components of a computer such as the different types of CPU". 

"I really enjoy the challenge of computer programming and have enjoyed working in pairs to program games such as
rock paper scissors, battleships and text based role-playing games…"